Simply, only by arranging way of us is having breath, some disease types can be healed. Not to every day during 24 hours, but enough semiweekly during 1,5 hours. How?
Healing a disease actually do not must with help of medical doctor. At certain hard level simply can by processing breath. For example just of influenza disease, coughs, or catch a cold. Hypotension or height also can be cured if when we in routine will do processing breath. Even, there is man who is experiencing paralysis in half of its (the body can be good of its (the condition having taken steps process breath in routine.
Not the benefit figment. Evaluation result done by Eko Trihatmoko, practitioner and respiration art instructor Kartika, to its the 100 pupils is it is possible that its proof. After taught by during around 5 month, participant experiences goods change. Some routine disease kinds of flu, coughs, and catch a cold can recover without drug and hard of recurrence. Health of body increases marked at the height of fitness of body and physical energy. Stress loses and physical and bounces more enjoy. More patient, peace, easy to control emotion, and concentration easy to. Under developed do not, enthusiasm in sexual also increases.
Some excesses and advantage also able to be gotten from healing by processing breath. Among others, healing of this way is including cheap because doesn't release cost anything, except to study it. Process breath easy to be done and practical. Its the movement is simple and doesn't major muscle strength. Usage of drug is not required, so that there is no its(the side effects. After recovering also its(the benefit able to be felt, among others fitness of body awakes and emotion can be controlled.
Palsied also good
By processing breath, we can become “doctor” for own self. We soybean cake will when must do thing relating to health, for example when must take a rest, pays attention to part of ill body, etc. We know requirement of our own body. “ If shall to medical doctor, we also knows that medical doctor help of course have been required. Process breath cannot be independent,” express Eko.
“ From experience of I practice processing breath, which is easy experienced by someone especially curative from light disease. So process breath can assist one with boosting up degree of health, so that barrier in the form of minor ailment by itself is broken. its the cycle. The problem of his. its, light disease usually happened if condition of physical of someone starts declines, so that impenetrability of its the body is also declines. The disease can fought if condition of physical of we are rising,” adds marketing staff of a consultant company in this Jakarta.
Disease which able to fought also can increase at the height of condition of body through processing breath. For example, formerly someone only can fight against flu, at level hereinafter can overcome its(the blood pressure, low nor height. At others, articulation trouble of body also able to be overcome. And so do with trouble stomach. “ Is rather extraordinary, something has experienced half paralysis of its the body as result of stroke, experiences very good development after experiencing process breath during 6 month. Its the Hand and foot/feet which initially cannot be moved has started has energy,” says Eko.
According to him(her, appearance a disease actually is manifest from harmonious of our body organs job activity and unity inconsistency of our body and soul. harmonious and having beginning of the inconsistency from enforcing to body we to work abundant. As a result, body job activity system becoming not regular. This then generates harmonious and the inconsistency. If when that is not realized and felt, body organ would increasingly weak and finally breakdown. Impenetrability of body also non good functioning so that disease easy to infiltrate.
Process breath can build again harmony in life of physical and the psychological in simultaneous. When processing breath is done, breath volume in body can be optimal to strengthen and plays tricks on body organ. Degree of health of body also increases causing has endurance to disease trouble. With strong defence also disease which to has entered can be defeated. Body also is disposition into situation of rileks accross the board and brings situation of quit of soul of stress and situation of negativity.
Draws, resistant, and exhaust
Process breath can be done by whom just without reference to age. But, ideally of course for them which has worked and having family. About age 30 – 60 years.
Effect generated process breath to differ from sport. At processing breath, when we do it is of course felt weary. But, after practice exactly freshness which we get and not weary, either physical and also bounces. On the contrary, at sport, especially in character game, after practice during just 50 minutes for example, his(its weary has very hardly.
The difference core layed in existence of regularity. At processing breath, there is breath regularity, emotion, motion. At possible sport there are motion regularity, but its(the emotion and breath might not regular. Though, “ Regularity of emotion and breath hardly having an effect on to freshness of body and bounces,” explains Eko.
To be able to do processing breath is not too difficult. But, we need to learn beforehand at least in 32 times each meeting during 1,5 hours. Its(the semiweekly frequency. In practice is taught [by] 12 strikes focusing it is training heart and lung. Each is accompanied by processing top body organ ( hand, arm, shoulder, chest), underside ( stomach and waist) and under ( bottom, thigh, and foot/feet). Process body organ addressed to strengthen the part. After mastering the strikes, we can do his own with emphasis of certain strike to get benefit which we desire.
As does sport, in processing breath we to require warm-up. Its(the purpose, to draw up body enters bodywork process breath. Form of its(the warm-up is body flexing from top until under with soft movement or aimed at certain organs of which will be strenghtened. This needs because in processing breath, beside concentration, process body organ also be entangled. With warm-up is expected body to become more diffract, weakens, and free of stress. Its(the time, around 15 minutes only.
In bodywork processed breath there are three processes passed by, namely draws, arrest; detain, and throws away breath. Its the purpose to optimal of breath volume, takes care of breath regularity, and manages breath efficiently. Because breath can be interpreted as life energy Power, hence attractively breath we take life energy power through nose and musters it in body. We are not merely breathing in its(the rate ala breath, but as much as possible. Can five or ten times fold from the usual. Thereby add oxygen to body would far maximum and more.
When breath we are resistant, life energy we to let to possess by all body. Detention of directional breath and in control will assist activates our weak organ, improve ;repairs it, and his(its powered so that can be function carefully. Stuffing up energy channel can be open returned, blood stream to all body is more fluent, metabolism of body also becomes perfection. Detention of breath also useful to train self control or emotion. In process of breath holding, we need also does certain organ erector and concentration to assist points and focus energy at the organ.
Detention stripper of breath depends on our ability, but step by step can be improved. Beginner usually is taught around 15 seconds. After 4 month of learning, breath holding during 40 seconds becomes ordinary thing. “ Cannot be forced must so much second, but improved in gradual as according to life rhythm and potency each one,” explains Eko.
After we are resistant a few moments, “ remains” breath we exhaust must until pot is clean with help of stomach minimizing. This meant to generate strong longing at self we to be interesting his(its returns. Its(the release can pass orifice or nose. In process of this there is element of sweeping and release. We release all dirt, emotion, stress, and pain taste. Its the release is also must in harmony with movement of body and face expression, for example with body seen is gallant or face to smile soft full of peacefulness.
In all process of process the breath, we entangle also process body organ which its the emphasis at reinforcement of hand, shoulder, chest, stomach, waist, and thigh under of expansion of chest breath. By processing body organ, breath energy channel to body organs to give reinforcement. Process body organ must always harmony by processing breath. movement of Soft body will be with soft breath character also. So also on the contrary. For processing of energy on-hand for example, hence ossification on-hand is done while concentration of in the same place, while other organ is slackened.
Because in processing breath there are reinforcement at certain organ, energy stream becoming not well-balanced and flattens. In consequence needs step so-called refreshing breath as supporting facilities for ballast. with proportinately returns energy in body, body becomes fresh to return and full of vitality.
Can be done working
Like when learning, frequency does processing breath also semiweekly, each during 1,5 hours. “ Twice practice with full intensity actually have been enough cover life to during one week.” But, for purpose of healing of serious disease, needs addition of frequency outside usual. For example becoming 3 or 4 times one week. Its(the addition, according to Eko, not necessarily with full intensity. If main needed time 1,5 hours, hence enough additional 30 minutes, as according to situation.
In a particular condition, according to Eko, process body organ cannot be done in parallel with processing breath. “ Because our direction exactly someone does she wish based on his own willingness. For example, process breath by sitting working, yes that can happened. So this practice sometime later frees people from motion binding, position, etcetera. Practice no more require done in special place, with special time. Working also process breath can be done. Mean processing this breath of course to assist our life are everyday.”
Its the strikes is also not must all strike which been studied. Enough strikes required only. Nor needs as according to its the sequence. “ As according to our willingness or condition of around us. Strike obliging we to lie down or to front, of course unlikely is done in office when we work.” Strike selected also is adapted for purpose of we to do processing breath. To overcome kidney function trouble or waist for example, need to be selected strikes which its(the movement leads to part of that. the strong or no is interesting and throws away breath also is adapted for purpose of processing breath. To reduce high blood pressure, withdrawal and release of breath must smoothly is accompanied soft and elastic body expression also. On the contrary to increase blood pressure, the withdrawal and release is strong and explodes with strong body expression also. So, “ Harmonization there must be between the breath types, strong or weak, and the body expression and face.” That is core from processing breath.
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