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Thursday, May 31, 2007

Men Disease Gristle Bald

Bald? Precautions, more than anything else when your age still relatively young. According to study done by Harvard Medical School, men the bald disease gristle.

In study done during 11 years, to more than 19000 mans, the expert concludes, baldness ( male-pattern baldness-MPB) relates to heart sickness risk. May be spelled out members, baldness is signal that man is more takes a care.

According to them, level of risk is hit by heart attack, depend on level of baldness suffered. If the bald in frontage, hence the risk increases around 6%. Bald in the middle of head ( vertex), has bigger risk, namely between 23-32%.

Bald man in both that places, the risk is of course bigger again. More than anything else if accompanied by disease hypertension, the risk can be reach 79%. Medium of baldness accompanied by high cholesterol, the risk 3 times more is compared to non man bald.

Why can that way? Again, man hormone rate one of the cause. Height of testosterone rate point out can cause baldness. But baldness also is because of factor genetic, innate.

Unhappily, the study doesn't explain will curative to baldness lessen risk PJK. The reason is, now many special health products for treatment of hair, prevents baldness, even stimulates growing of new hair.

But at least, result of this study, can be made supporting facilities that the mans are more attentively and conducts action preventive early possibly, when the baldness marking arrives.

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